This is the place to find the answer to all those questions that aren’t answered elsewhere on this web site. If the answer that you are looking for isn’t here – email us and we’ll try to sort it out.

Is there Car and Disabled parking at Carnforth Station?

Yes – At the front of the Station is a pay and display car park, owned and managed by Network Rail. The Heritage Centre is not part of this company and receives no revenue from car parking receipts. There are a number of disabled parking spaces available for people displaying a blue badge. It would be helpful if Coach Parties pre-book through the Heritage Centre Manager on 01524 735165.

What is the entrance fee for the Heritage Centre?

The entrance fee for adult visitors to Carnforth Station Heritage Centre is £2.50 per adult. Free admission for children under 16 years of age.  The Station is administered by the Carnforth Station and Railway Trust Company Ltd, Registered Charity 1061179.

Is there disabled access to the Heritage Centre?

The Heritage Centre is all on one level and is totally wheelchair accessible.

How do we contact you?

See the contact information on the Contact Us page.

I’ve found an error or something out of date on the website.

If you find an error on the Carnforth Station Heritage Centre website, please email the webmaster and we will endeavour to correct the error as soon as possible.

Are coaches and groups/parties welcome?

Coaches and groups/parties are very welcome, but advanced booking is recommended. Telephone the Heritage Centre Manager on 01524 735165.

Do you accept credit / debit cards?


Can I volunteer?

With the exception of the Heritage Centre Manager, everybody else involved with the Friends, the Shop and the Heritage Centre are volunteers. The main areas for volunteering are as shopkeepers and/or Tour Guides. Please contact the Heritage Centre Manager on 01524 735165 in the first instance, if you would like more information.

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